LESSONIA, powder expert, invests in a new dry granulationtechnology

Lessonia has always been specialized in the manufacture of powder cosmetic ingredients
(exfoliants, fine powders, active ingredients, extracts…). From grinding and sieving to
blending and sterilizing powders, Lessonia has acquired renowned expertise in its area.

Gradually, the company has developed expertise in dry cosmetic formulation (clay masks,
peel-offs, scrubs, cleansing powders…) and is constantly innovating to meet the
powder cosmetic challenges.

The dry cosmetic formulation involves using and mixing fine powder ingredients with different
particle sizes leading to untangling, flow problems and powder safety issues (dust). It was
therefore essential for Lessonia to find a technical solution to improve powder flowability
and avoid dust.

That’s why Lessonia decided to innovate with a dry granulation technology, equipping
itself with a new production line comprising a roller compactor, granulator and sieve. From a
fine powder, the aim is to obtain a larger and more homogeneous granulometry, optimized to
ensure good powder flow.

By compacting a fine powder, we obtain a fine tablet which is then grinded and sieved to
obtain the desired particle size.

Lessonia has been inspired by pharmaceutical and tablet industry to find this
new idea.
In the pharmaceutical sector, granulation technology is the first step in tablet
manufacture. Already equipped with a rotary tablet press in 2022, importing this technology
to Lessonia seemed a natural way of improving the quality of its tablets.

This equipment enables Lessonia to innovate and meet the challenges of the powder cosmetics
market. It also enables Lessonia to expand its range of services for manufacturers
looking for solutions such as this one.
A preliminary feasibility study on compacting
their formula will however be essential before starting the granulation process. With this
new 400,000€ investment, Lessonia’s future looks bright.

EURO COSMETICS Magazine • LESSONIA, powder expert, invests in a new dry granulationtechnology • Euro Cosmetics • Euro Cosmetics
Left: Charles-Henri Morice – Head of innovation; Right: Nassim Serier – Continuous improvement manager

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