The EcoVadis rating platform has rewarded SILAB’s CSR policy with Platinum status.

Committed to progress, SILAB has achieved a higher EcoVadis score than the previous year, reaching for the first time an “excellent” performance in all areas assessed (Environment, Labor & Human rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement). SILAB confirms its position in the top 1% of the world’s best-rated companies.
Jean-Philippe Cosson, General Manager in charge of CSR at SILAB, comments:
“We are very pleased to have been awarded the EcoVadis Platinum Medal again this year. This recognition reflects our constant commitment to responsible business practices that respect people and the environment. Indeed, beyond our legal obligations, we take initiatives to improve our CSR practices throughout the entire value chain.”
The strategy defining the company’s CSR program and all its actions (in terms of sustainable strategy, development of human potential, responsible sourcing, preserved environment and support of communities), are available on the eco-designed Actively Caring internet website: