Lipoid Kosmetik AG Launches Peeling Complex – The Balanced Acid Triofor Texture, Tone & Clarity

Lipoid Kosmetik is a leading manufacturer of high-quality botanical extracts, actives and natural phospholipid products for the cosmetic and personal care industry. With a clear insight into our consumers’ needs, Lipoid Kosmetik presents Peeling Complex, an effective yet gentle formulation with an expanded exfoliation spectrum compared to single-acid peeling products.

Chemical exfoliation has become a popular skincare treatment, with consumers increasingly seeking solutions that provide visible results without irritating the skin. To meet this demand, Lipoid Kosmetik has developed Peeling Complex, an innovative ingredient that combines citric acid (AHA), gluconic acid (PHA), and amber acid (DCA) in a balanced, ready-to-use formula. This powerful blend offers complementary exfoliation effects that provide both immediate and prolonged results across all skin layers.
Peeling Complex effectively addresses a wide range of skin concerns and can be used in both leave-
on and rinse-off formulations, ensuring optimal results for various skin types. The product delivers the
following substantiated benefits:

  • Complementary and balanced exfoliation
  • Improved skin texture and smoothness
  • Enhancement of skin radiance and clear complexion
  • Youthful and healthy skin

We are proud to launch Peeling Complex, setting a new standard in exfoliation with its expanded
spectrum and gentle strength. It offers consumers an effective yet skin-friendly solution for smooth,
radiant, and youthful-looking skin.

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