Uncovering a cosmetic ingredient that improves well-being and sleep quality by preserving the natural cycle of melatonin

By Morgane De Tollenaere, Emilie Chapuis, Amandine Scandolera and Romain Reynaud, Givaudan Active Beauty

November / December 2023

The skin is a powerful somatosensory system with numerous sensory nerve endings and shares a common embryogenic origin with the neuronal system. Melatonin, a molecule that regulates sleep and possesses anti-ageing and antioxidant properties, is expressed in both the brain and skin. Blue light exposure from digital devices disturbs the melatonin cycle, negatively affecting sleep quality and skin integrity. In a recently published paper (De Tollenaere et al., 2023), we demonstrated that the melatonin cycle was preserved in a coculture of sensory neurons and keratinocytes, and that our Synchronight™contains compounds that bind to the melatonin receptor, resulting in a significant reduction of wrinkles, evidenced in volunteers. On this basis and according to the literature, we hypothesised that Synchronight™ may have protected the sleep quality of volunteers by protecting the melatonin cycle at the skin level. Consequently,
we conducted a clinical study in which volunteers were exposed to blue light before bedtime, finding that the extract reduced the number of awakenings and improved sleep quality in volunteers, demonstrating a well-being effect.



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